Market Reports

13 Sep 2024

IFX Market Report: Friday 2nd August 2024

2 min read

Thursday saw the bank of England drop interest rates for the first time since March 2020. Yesterdays 0.25% cut saw the BOE base rate fall from 5.25% to 5%. Rates in 2020 were 0.1% and remained there until rate hikes started in December 2021, with gradual hikes which finally saw the base rate halt in […]

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5 Jan 2021

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 5th January 2021

2 min read

Sterling has started the morning on the back foot as new national lockdown measures are implemented across the UK.

4 Jan 2021

IFX Market Report: Monday 4th January 2021

2 min read

The Pound is up against both the U.S. Dollar and Euro as parliament overwhelming backed the post-Brexit trade deal last night.

31 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Thursday 31st December 2020

2 min read

The Pound is up against both the U.S. Dollar and Euro as parliament overwhelming backed the post-Brexit trade deal last night.

30 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Wednesday 30th December 2020

2 min read

After a disappointing day of trading yesterday, GBPUSD has risen sharply this morning as the market continues to aggressively sell off the U.S. Dollar.

29 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 29th December 2020

2 min read

As we head into the new year, the Pound has taken a sharp fall this morning despite the government agreeing a Brexit deal on the 24th.

24 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Thursday 24th December 2020

3 min read

After over 4 years of tough negotiation, reports last night suggest the UK and the EU have finally agreed on a post-Brexit trade deal.

23 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Wednesday 23rd December 2020

2 min read

The Pound continues to trade anxiously as markets await a definitive answer on Brexit.

22 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 22nd December 2020

3 min read

After a disappointing start to the week, Sterling has made a swift recovery on Tuesday – trading briefly above 1.34 against the U.S. Dollar and 1.10 against the Euro this morning.

21 Dec 2020

IFX Market Report: Monday 21st December 2020

2 min read

UK and EU negotiators once again failed on Sunday to come to an agreement on post-Brexit relations.
