Market Reports

13 Sep 2024

IFX Market Report: Friday 2nd August 2024

2 min read

Thursday saw the bank of England drop interest rates for the first time since March 2020. Yesterdays 0.25% cut saw the BOE base rate fall from 5.25% to 5%. Rates in 2020 were 0.1% and remained there until rate hikes started in December 2021, with gradual hikes which finally saw the base rate halt in […]

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6 Mar 2020

IFX Market Report: Friday 6th March 2020

2 min read

The pound reached its highest for the week on Thursday as expectations of rate cut from the Bank of England fell in light of comments from the incoming governor Andrew Bailey.

5 Mar 2020

IFX Market Report: Thursday 5th March 2020

3 min read

The Bank of Canada surprised financial markets yesterday by following the US Federal Reserve’s lead and reduced their own interest rates by 0.5%, citing the spread of the coronavirus represents a “material negative shock” to the Canadian economy.

4 Mar 2020

IFX Market Report: Wednesday 4th March 2020

2 min read

The pound made gains against a weaker dollar after the emergency rate cut by the Federal Reserve.

3 Mar 2020

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 3rd March 2020

2 min read

The pound hit a four-and-a-half month low against the euro as investors are wary of the potential for disagreement in the trade negotiations between the UK and the EU.

2 Mar 2020

IFX Market Report: Monday 2nd March 2020

2 min read

The pound dropped sharply on Friday, losing almost 1% against the US dollar and the euro after investors steered clear of any currencies deemed risky.

27 Feb 2020

IFX Market Report: Thursday 27th February 2020

2 min read

The pound made further losses on Wednesday as Rishi Sunak’s budget announcement is suspected to be disappointing for those expecting an increase in government spending.

25 Feb 2020

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 25th February 2020

2 min read

The pound initially fell against the US dollar and euro on Monday morning as fears about the potential economic impact of the spreading coronavirus pushed investors towards perceived safe-haven currencies such as the US dollar.

18 Feb 2020

IFX Market Report: Tuesday 18th February 2020

2 min read

The pound gave up some of last weeks gains on Monday which were sparked from the UK’s new finance minister being likely to introduce looser financial conditions.

10 Feb 2020

IFX Market Report: Monday 10th February 2020

2 min read

The pound made gains on Friday but ended the week with the biggest weekly fall since the December election as once gain the fears of a no-deal Brexit weighed on the pound.
